General information about Raisin UK
- What version of iOS or Android does the Raisin app require?
- Can I register on Raisin UK as a US Person?
- Is Raisin authorised by the FCA?
- What is the Raisin UK savings marketplace?
- What is the Raisin UK Account and Transaction Account?
- Who are Raisin UK's partner banks?
- Why are there foreign banks on Raisin UK?
- Who are Raisin UK's partners?
- How does Raisin UK make money?
- How do I send a secure message to Customer Services?
- Do you charge any fees?
- Do you deduct tax?
- How do I know if I need to pay tax?
- Why do some pages not load?
- How does Raisin UK support vulnerable customers?
- What happens to my money if Raisin UK ceases trading?
- What happens to my money if a bank fails or ceases trading?
- What happens to my money and accounts in the event of death?
- How does Raisin UK uphold the FCA Consumer Duty regulations?
- How do I contact your Customer Services team?
- How do I make a formal complaint?